analyse éléementaire

For the detection, identification and quantification of trace elements

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Electron microscopy, whether it is a transmission or scanning system, can be used to detect, locate, identify and quantify the elements present, even at low concentrations. The analyses can be made using different techniques: X analysis, electron backscattering, imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy.
En haut : Cartographie chimique du dioxyde de titane (TiO2) par spectroscopie électronique en mode image (ESI) en bas : Spectre de perte d'énergie du dioxyde de titane (456eV)

Top: Chemical cartography of titanium dioxide (TiO2) by electron spectroscopy imaging (ESI)
Bottom: Energy loss spectrum of titanium dioxide (456 eV)




  • Chemical cartography
  • Qualitative or quantitative spectroscopy, by electron energy loss or X analysis

Access mode:

  • With assistance
  • As service delivery




Techniques used
M.E.T. 2100 Imaging and spectroscopy by electron energy loss METi – UPS Campus
M.E.B. ESEM Quanta 250 By X analysis or electron backscattering CMEAB – Rangueil medecine university

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