- Publication director:Jacques Rouquette
- Website development & editor: Gaël Esteve – ComScience
- Webmaster: Gaël Esteve – ComScience
- Resource persons:
- Resource engineer for content creation:Aurélie Le Ru
- Website created with the participation of all engineers and technicians comprising the platforms affiliated with the TRI network.
- hotography: Gaël Esteve, Marion Galindo (FRAIB facilities), David Villa (METi – MET facilities & cryo-preparation tools). The photos taken with scientific instruments are offered by members of the TRI-Genotoul facilities. In general, all photos on the site are the property of their respective authors – all rights reserved. The images presented on this website are the property of platforms affiliated with the TRI-Genotoul network – reproduction of images is forbidden.
- Translation from french by Brandon Loveall (IMPROVENCE)
- Website created using and the Parabola theme WordPress and the Parabola theme
- The “Reservation Schedule” website was designed by Bruno Savelli and is administered by Aurélie Le Ru
CNIL declaration:
This site has been declared to the CNIL (N° 1102826).
In accordance with the modified ‘Informatique et Libertés’ law, you have a right to access, modify, correct and delete data that concerns you on this website.
To exercise this right, please contact the website administrator, Gaël Esteve