2 nanozoomer

Microscope slide scanner: from medium to high throughput

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This medium to high throughput microscope slide scanner has the unique feature of working in a relatively autonomous manner. It automatically detects objects on the slide and then adjusts the focus before acquiring images. The user can then navigate around the slide by going from a global view up to a 40x magnification. These acquisitions can be performed in bright-field on batches of up to 210 slides, or in fluorescence on batches of up to 6 slides.



  • Medium throughput detection & automatic acquisition in bright-field or fluorescence microscopy at 20x or 40x magnifications
  • Observation in XY and stacks of images in Z
  • Fluorescence acquisition covering the entire visible spectrum (i.e. DAPI, CFP, GFP etc.)


Access mode:

  • With assistance
  • Autonomous (after training)
  • Service delivery




Nanozoomer (R) – Slide scannerCliquez ici pour prendre contact afin de réserver une ressource


Characteristic techniques
Nanozoomer RS 6 slides in bright-field or with fluorescent labeling FR3450 – Campus INRA Auzeville
Nanozoomer HT 210 slides in bright-field FR3450 – Campus INRA Auzeville


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